Title: Azobenzene-Derived Surfactants as Phototriggered Recycable Templates for the Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres

Author: Jing Wei, Yuyun Liu, Jia Chen, Yuhui Li, Qin Yue, Gaoxiang Pan, Yanlei Yu*, Yonghui Deng*, Dongyuan Zhao

Journal: Adv. Mater., 2014, 26(11), 1782-1787


An azobenzene-derived surfactant behaves as a “smart” molecule. Not only is it used as the structure-directing agent to synthesize unique mesoporous silica nanospheres, but it can also be quickly released from the silica framework with UV light and subsequently recycled.


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本研究报导了一种具有光响应特性的偶氮苯类阳离子表面活性剂(AZTMA),其可在有序介孔二氧化硅纳米球(MSNs)的合成中用作一种智能结构导向剂。被包裹在二氧化硅基质中的表面活性剂保持其光响应性,并可通过顺反异构调控其分子大小和极性。紫外线照射1 h之后,二氧化硅骨架中80%的表面活性剂可以释放到混合的水/乙醇溶剂中,并从溶液中回收。回收的表面活性剂可再次作为合成新型MSNs的结构导向剂。去除AZTMA后,MSNs呈具有开孔的开放骨架结构,其具有径向介孔、高比表面积(约381 m2/g)、均匀的孔径(约2.7 nm)与直径(约300 nm)。其高比表面积、独特的介孔结构和均匀的球形形貌使其成为吸附、催化和药物传递等众多应用的潜在候选材料。