Title: Dual-Responsive Inverse Opal Films Based on A Crosslinked Liquid Crystal Polymer Containing Azobenzene
Author: Jianqiang Zhao, Yuyun Liu, Yanlei Yu*
Journal: J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2(48), 10262-10267
Novel photo and thermal dual-responsive inverse opal films were fabricated based on a crosslinked liquid crystal polymer (CLCP) containing azobenzene. Accompanying the deformation of the CLCP, switchable behavior on the reflection spectra of the inverse opal film was induced by light or temperature. We found that the optical properties were drastically decreased by thermal or photoinduced phase transitions of the CLCP. It was also found that the extent of decrease in the heat-induced inverse opal film is much more than in the one induced by light.
Fulltext Link: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/TC/C4TC01825G#!divAbstract
A new type of dual-responsive inverse opal was fabricated based on the azobenzene-containing CLCP. The inverse opal film showed switchable behavior on the reflection spectra by alternate irradiation of UV-vis light or temperature, owing to the change in the order of the holes. This change in the periodic structure is ascribed to the contraction of CLCP induced by the photochemical reactions of the azobenzene moieties or the thermal-induced phase transition. It is the first time that azobenzene-containing CLCPs have been used to prepare inverse opal film and achieve repeatable switching behavior on the film's reflection spectra using light, which can be manipulated conveniently and controlled in situ. This work presents a critical advance that will broaden the practical applications of azobenzene-containing CLCPs.